Rabbit Colors

A Quick Guide to Rabbit Colors

There are 11 different locus points in the genotype that controls the color of a rabbit. The color we see is the rabbit's phenotype, and each locus point has two alleles, as show below.

A_ B_ C_ D_ E_ En_ Si_ Du_ P_ W_ V_

An allele is one of two or more alternative forms of a gene, for example dominant and recessive. When reading a genotype an uppercase letter indicates a dominant allele, and a lowercase letter indicates a recessive allele. A recessive allele will not be physically expressed (not part of the phenotype) if there is a more dominant allele present at the locus. In this guide alleles are listed in order of dominance (most dominant listed first).

A Locus

  • A = agouti
  • at = tan/otter
  • a = self

Phenotypic Expressions:

  • AA, Aat, Aa = agouti
  • atat, ata = tan
  • aa = self

B Locus

  • B = black
  • b = chocolate

Phenotypic Expressions:

  • BB, Bb = black based color
  • bb = chocolate based color

C Locus

  • C = full color
  • cchd = chinchilla (chin dark)
  • cchl = shaded (chin light/sable)
  • ch* = himalayan (pointed)
  • c = REW

* This pattern is temperature sensitive - kits born during summer or winter can have their color come in incorrectly depending on environmental factors, like being pressed against a cold nest box. This will molt out.

Phenotypic Expressions:

  • C_ = full color
  • cchd_ = chinchilla
  • cchl_ = shaded
  • ch_ = himalayan (pointed)
  • cc = REW

D Locus

  • D = no dilution
  • d* = dilution

* blue is dilute black, lilac is dilute chocolate

Phenotypic Expressions:

  • D_ = not dilute
  • dd = dilute

E Locus

  • Es = steel (gold tipped or silver tipped)
  • E = full extension
  • ej = harlequin
  • e = non-extension (tort)

Phenotypic Expressions:

  • EsEs = "super steel" - appears self
  • Es_ = steel
  • E_ = color extends through the full hair shaft
  • ej_ = harlequin, tricolor, or charlie depending on the alleles at the En locus (broken gene); ejej is ideal for proper expression of harlequin - eje looks brindled instead of nice patches of color
  • ee = tort, orange

En Locus

  • En = broken
  • en = not broken

Phenotypic Expressions:

  • EnEn = charlie (<10% color)
  • Enen = broken
  • enen = solid

Si Locus

  • SI = no silvering
  • si = silvering

Phenotypic Expressions:

  • SISI, SIsi = no silvering
  • sisi = silvering

P Locus

  • P = no effect
  • p = lutino

Phenotypic Expressions:

  • PP, Pp = no effect
  • pp = lutino

W Locus

  • W = none
  • w = wideband

Phenotypic Expressions:

  • WW, Ww = none
  • ww = wideband

V Locus

  • V = no vienna
  • v = vienna

Phenotypic Expressions:

  • VV = no vienna
  • Vv = vienna marked or vienna carrier
  • vv = BEW*

* BEW rabbits can be used to test breed a suspected vienna carrier - if BEW kits are produced then you know that rabbit is carrying vienna.


Hook's Hollands has an excellent color guide with example photos of Holland Lops as well as a very informative video - you can find that here.